Choral Scholarships

All Saints offers paid choral scholarships to 8 singers aged 15-25 (2 each for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass) to support the work of the Parish Choir. The choral traditional and the contribution that it makes to our liturgical life at All Saints is particularly important and has been for decades.
Our choral scholarships were established to encourage young people in church choral singing; they are a wonderful opportunity to gain experience singing a wide variety of music to a high standard, and great experience for students considering a university choral scholarship or considering pursuing music further.
Choral Scholars should have some singing experience (not necessarily church choral music), a clear and confident singing voice, and be able to read music; you do not need to be having singing lessons.​
As a choral scholar you will receive an annual stipend of £600 (paid monthly), have the opportunity to develop your singing and sight-reading skills, broaden your choral repertoire, and gain experience in teamwork and leadership in the choir. Additional performance opportunities (including solo opportunities) are available during London Open House weekend and the Advent Fayre each year.
Once choral scholars have passed their probationary period, subject to discussion with the Director of Music, those who are interested can also get involved in conducting the choir, helping to train the choristers, or for those suitably sufficient playing the organ during services. Subject to availability in the diary, choral scholars will also be able to use the church for private practice.
Choral scholars are expected to commit to being part of the music team at church, and duties will include:
Singing at all choral services, concerts, rehearsals etc. as part of the Parish Choir (the usual monthly schedule is below)
Cantor for the 9am All Age Mass (on a rota basis)
Provide an example to our young choristers, and supporting their training and development
Choral scholars are entitled to be absent for up to 5 term-time Sundays across the year with no money deducted from their scholarship (in addition to those weekends the choir is down). Scholars over the age of 18 will require a satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure check by the Disclosure and Barring Service, in line with the PCC’s policies of Safeguarding.
Choral scholarships are awarded annually and are renewable at the Director of Music’s discretion.
The choir follows a standard academic term from early-September to mid-July, with a short break after Christmas and Easter each year. The normal weekly schedule is:
Weekly Rehearsal: Thursdays – Choristers, 7-7.45pm
Choir and Choral Scholars, 8-9.30pm
Sunday High Mass: rehearsal, 10-10.20am; service, 10.30am
Sunday Choral Evensong (the first Sunday of the month): rehearsal, 4.30-6pm; service, 6.30pm
In addition to this, the choir usually sings for the following festival services throughout the year:
Advent Carol Service (on Advent Sunday, instead of December’s Choral Evensong)
Nine Lessons and Carols (Christmas Carol Service, usually on the last Sunday in Advent)
Midnight Mass
Epiphany Carol Service (depending on when Epiphany falls)
Ash Wednesday
Maundy Thursday
The Easter Vigil (and Easter Sunday morning)
Ascension Day
Find out more and apply
If you are interested or would like to discuss anything further please contact Antony Matthews, our Director of Music ( Applications should include a short covering letter outlining your singing experience and your reasons for applying, and scholarships will be awarded after a short and informal audition.