Cheques for donations, weddings and funeral fees should be made payable to "All Saints Carshalton PCC";
You can make a one-off online donation to All Saints, and allow us to claim tax back to boost its value, via our CAF Donation Page. They will ask for your name and address, for legal reasons.
We have now joined the Parish Giving Scheme, which means that regular donations are processed on our behalf, and the Gift Aid claimed for us each month as well. Please consider whether you can contribute regularly to God's work here in Carshalton, or to the upkeep of the beautiful church, by joining this scheme.
You can do this by post, on line (, or by phone: 0333 002 1271 - click on the buttons above for all you need to know, and the form if you'd like to apply by post.
Our parish name is: Carshalton All Saints Church, and our PGS code is 370637185. Then all you'll need are your own bank sort code and account number. When they confirm you are set up, you can simply stop any current mandate you have with your bank.
Our new bank details are: All Saints Church Carshalton PCC, (CAF Bank Ltd) 40-52-40 00033942
If you prefer to continue to give by Standing Order, the new mandate form is below, with a Gift Aid form. Please update your mandate with your bank, and sign up for Gift Aid if you are able - it makes a real difference!
Please also consider whether you could remember All Saints in your will.

When you are next in church, you will notice some posters and leaflets about a new way of giving through PGS - using your phone.
Use the QR code which will take you directly to our Parish Giving page where you can either make a one-off donation, (and Gift Aid if you can), or set up regular giving in the same way. You won't need any of the church information, it is pre-loaded on this site.
As you can see there are also paper forms or a phone number if you prefer. Thank you!

You can raise money for All Saints as you shop online at major retailers, at no cost to yourself, via The retailer passes some of their profit to easyfundraising, who then make a donation to us.
Please look at and consider joining the scheme, choosing All Saints Church Carshalton as your "good cause".
Thank you
Finally - there are two white SumUp boxes available for contactless donations. Press the button on the right hand side to wake them up and then key in your donation - it will also ask if you would like a receipt - just put in your email address and it'll arrive immediately - so clever! Stewards will help if you have any problems. We take all major cards and phone/watch apps.
Contactless has proved the giving method of choice at our music event bars
as well as with Sunday, baptism and wedding congregations...