How to ask for Prayer
Sometimes we feel that our prayers are inadequate; we may feel overwhelmed by an issue that faces us, or too close to a problem to see what God might be doing. At such times we may want to ask others to pray for us.
Anyone can ask for prayer by contacting Fr David Fisher or Fr Daniel Burton. The request can include as much or as little detail as the requester considers appropriate, but it helps to give a Christian name and some indication of the type of problem that needs prayer (health, relationships, money, etc), to inform simple prayer. God always knows more details than we do. It is not normally necessary to disclose the surname of the person needing prayer.
We have a Prayer Board under the Tower, near the South Door, and requests for prayer can be left on there; they will then be included in prayers at one of our weekday Masses.
Some may be fortunate enough to have Christian friends to ask, and who can be entrusted with the details of the issue; but sometimes one wants to look further afield. Many churches meet this need by offering confidential intercessory prayer, and a prayer chain is an effective way of organising it. Please contact Fr Daniel if you would like someone or something included in the Prayer Chain.
The message will then be passed around the prayer chain from member to member, and they will each pray in their own way.
It is not essential to tell the prayer chain people afterwards what happened in response to their prayers, but it helps them to know when to stop praying, and how God is working.
If you are taken ill
Most of the time we sail through life in a fairly orderly fashion, but there is always the possibility that one day we might be taken ill unexpectedly and others will want to help.
We have a Contact List to provide All Saints' staff with people's personal details, in case we need to contact someone if an emergency happens at church. (This is not the same as the Electoral Roll, which does not provide the necessary information.) To check whether you are on the list, contact the Electoral Roll Officer on But when an emergency happens elsewhere, we are often the last to know. We seldom visit people in hospital because we generally do not learn that they were there until they have been discharged!
Should you be admitted to hospital, the hospital staff are not allowed to pass your details to us without your specific permission, but you can tell a nurse or doctor that you would like to see the hospital chaplain. The chaplain, with your permission, could contact the church and we could plan a visit.
Anyone in the parish can ask for a visit. The clergy are not always available at short notice, so we have trained a small team of lay people to make visits on behalf of the church; to arrange a visit contact Fr David Fisher telephone 07793 976 292.
But perhaps the best way to make sure you receive help when you need it is to make friends with fellow worshippers. Provided we know each other's contact details, and look out for anyone who goes missing, we can show God's love to each other.
Sources of Help
Some local sources of help are listed below:
Age UK, Sutton
or phone 020 8770 4089 -
Sutton Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
or phone 020 8405 3552 -
Sutton Community Alcohol Team phone 020 8682 6931 (for those aged 18 and over)
Sutton Community Drug Team phone 020 8296 4489 (for those aged 17 and over)
Sutton Foodbank
or phone 07525 838 640 -
Salvation Army helpline 0300 303 8151
Sutton Victim Support phone 020 8685 1637
Sutton Housing Advice phone 020 8770 5800
For people who are homeless, try the local council, which is the
London Borough of Sutton for our parish,
Thames Reach,
No Second Night Out
(for new referrals willing to say where they are sleeping), or
Finally... - the website for the whole Church of England - the website for the Diocese of Southwark, of which we are part, covering all of south London and a small part of east Surrey. - the website for the Cathedral Church of St Saviour and St Mary Overie in Southwark, the Mother Church of our Diocese