WW1 Commemoration
A board in the church building commemorates men from Carshalton who died in the First World War. The text is shown below; a few are specifically commemorated in church or buried in the graveyard, as indicated.

These men of Carshalton gave their lives for their country in the Great War
1914 – 1918
Pte Albert J. Adams 3rd East Surrey Rgt
Pte Arthur J. Allen 4th Royal Fusiliers
Pte George V. Allen Border Regiment
Pte John Allum 28 London (Artists)
2nd Lt Ernest W. R. D. Astill 9 London (Qn.Vic. Rifles)
Rflm Reginald Astill 9 London (Qn. Vic. Rifles)
Pte Alfred C. Austin 1/5th Border Rgt.
L'Corp Harty Ayling 1st Border Rgt.
Sgt Edwd. S. Badcock 7th Queen's
Pte Arthur S. Baker 7th Queen's
Pte Ernest Baker 12th East Surrey Rgt.
Pte Harold W. Baker 20th Royal Fusiliers
Corp Frederick Baldwin 8th Queen's
L'Corp Sydney H. Barber 3rd East Surrey Rgt.
Pte Harry Barnes 101 Lab. Batt. Roy. Fusl.
Pte Charles Batchelor 2nd Leinster Rgt.
Lce'Cp Herbert C. Bates 7th East Surreys
Pte John H Billett 14th Royal Warwick
Able Seam Herbert Bowles H.M.S. Recruit
Pte Leonard Boxall The Buffs
Sgt-Dr Thos. Bradbury Scots Guards
Pte Frederick C. Bridge 2nd Leinster Rgt.
Pion Alfred Bright Royal Engineers
Pte John Bristow 2nd Queen's
Pte Caleb J. Brooks 7th R. West Kents
Deck Boy Reginald C. Brooks S.S. Pomeranian
Pte William C. Brooks 7th Beford Rgt.
Pte Charles E. Brown Northumberland Fus.
Pte Leonard R. Brown 10th Royal Fusiliers
Pte Herbert W. Brown 8th Royal Fusiliers
Pte Walter F. Brown 10th East Surreys
Corp Wm. J. Buckenham 9th East Surreys
Pte Bertrand C. Caine East Surrey Rgt.
Pte Harry R. Cannon 2nd Cameronians
Pte Cecil J. Carpenter H.A.C.
Pte William M Carter 10th Queens
Pte George Cattell 7th East Surreys
Pte Frank Chalcraft 9th East Surreys
L'Cpl Charles Chandler 2nd East Surreys
Corp Frank D. Barber Royal Engineers
Pte William Bryant MM 1st Border Rgt.
Corp Wilfred C. Dawson Royal Field Artillery
Sergt T. B. Cave 102nd Canadians
Capt R.L. P. Adams 1/53rd Sikhs
Pte Reginald V. Chandler Seaforth Highlnds
Pte Gilbert Churcher The Queen's Regt.
L'Corp John Clarke East Surrey Regt.
Pte Edward J. Coleman Hampshire Regt.
Pte Charles Comyns 6th Royal Warwicks
Pte Caleb Inchcomb 4th Royal Fusiliers
Rflm Francis W. Ingram London Rifle Bde.
Pte James V. Jasper R. Army Medical Corps
Pte Henry Jenkins 1/1st Cambridgshire
Lieut Arthur L Jenks Dorset Regiment
Sapr Arthur E. Jepson Royal Engineers
Pte Arthur Johnson 7th East Surrey
C.S.Maj Robt. W. Johnson 8th Norfolks
Pte Richard A Keattch 1st East Surrey
Gnr William Keble R. Garrison Artilly.
Abs Leonard Kilty H.M.S. Black Prince
Corp William Kilty 2nd Queen's Regt.
Pte Frederick King 7th Queen's Regt.
Pte Richard R. King 2/4th Queen's Regt.
Pte William King 6th Queen's Regt.
Pte David Kirby 7th Queen's Regt.
Pte Thomas Kirby 7th Queen's Regt.
Pte Ernest J. Knight 5th East Surrey
Drvr Frank Knight R. Field Artillery
Lieut George G. Knight Q.O. Dorset Yeomanry
Pte William Knight 4th Worcester Regt.
Pte Charles A. Langridge R. Marine L. Infantry
Pte Herbert J. Lee 2nd Royal Sussex
2nd Lieut Arthur J. Liddell 3rd K.O. Yorksh. L. I.
2nd Lieut Robert Madder Machine Gun Corps
Corp J. Sholto McDonough 23rd Royal Fusiliers
Pte Benjamin E. Monk 3rd East Surrey
Pte John Morris Durham C. L. Infy.
Pte Walter Mears 1st Suffolk Regt.
Pte Harold J. Mercer 4th Buffs
Gnr Frank Merritt 4th Batt. Tank Corps
Rflm William T. Munday 8th K. R. R. Corps
Pte James A. Nash R. M. Light Infany
Pte Albert A Newton 6th Queen's Regt.
Pte James F Nicholls 1st Queen's Regt.
Lieut John S. Noble Royal Berks. Regt.
Corp William J. North 7th Queen's Regt.
Serg Charles J.C.Packwood 4th East Surrey
L'Serg Fredk. C. Parsons 13th East Surrey
L'Corp Harold C. Parsons 9th London Qu.Vict. Rifles
Rflm Reginald F. Paul 28th London Artists' R's.
2nd Lt Humphrey Pearman Royal Air Force
L'Corp Harry W. Penn 10th Royal Fusiliers
Pte Richard Perfitt 1st Durham C. L. Infy.
Pte Fredk. W. Perryman 17th Middlesex
Pte Frank Pickering 16th K. R. R. Corps.
Pte Thomas H. Pickering 3rd Cheshires
Rflm Harry A.Pinks 9th K. R. R. Corps
Pte Albert E. Rapley 2nd Leicester Regt.
Pte Albert J. Adams 3rd East Surrey Rgt
Pte Arthur J. Allen 4th Royal Fusiliers
Pte George V. Allen Border Regiment
Pte John Allum 28 London (Artists)
2nd Lt Ernest W. R. D. Astill 9 London (Qn.Vic. Rifles)
Rflm Reginald Astill 9 London (Qn. Vic. Rifles)
Pte Alfred C. Austin 1/5th Border Rgt.
L'Corp Harty Ayling 1st Border Rgt.
Sgt Edwd. S. Badcock 7th Queen's
Pte Arthur S. Baker 7th Queen's
Pte Ernest Baker 12th East Surrey Rgt.
Pte Harold W. Baker 20th Royal Fusiliers
Corp Frederick Baldwin 8th Queen's
L'Corp Sydney H. Barber 3rd East Surrey Rgt.
Pte Harry Barnes 101 Lab. Batt. Roy. Fusl.
Pte Charles Batchelor 2nd Leinster Rgt.
Lce'Cp Herbert C. Bates 7th East Surreys
Pte John H Billett 14th Royal Warwick
Able Seam Herbert Bowles H.M.S. Recruit
Pte Leonard Boxall The Buffs
Sgt-Dr Thos. Bradbury Scots Guards
Pte Frederick C. Bridge 2nd Leinster Rgt.
Pion Alfred Bright Royal Engineers
Pte John Bristow 2nd Queen's
Pte Caleb J. Brooks 7th R. West Kents
Deck Boy Reginald C. Brooks S.S. Pomeranian
Pte William C. Brooks 7th Beford Rgt.
Pte Charles E. Brown Northumberland Fus.
Pte Leonard R. Brown 10th Royal Fusiliers
Pte Herbert W. Brown 8th Royal Fusiliers
Pte Walter F. Brown 10th East Surreys
Corp Wm. J. Buckenham 9th East Surreys
Pte Bertrand C. Caine East Surrey Rgt.
Pte Harry R. Cannon 2nd Cameronians
Pte Cecil J. Carpenter H.A.C.
Pte William M Carter 10th Queens
Pte George Cattell 7th East Surreys
Pte Frank Chalcraft 9th East Surreys
L'Cpl Charles Chandler 2nd East Surreys
Corp Frank D. Barber Royal Engineers
Pte William Bryant MM 1st Border Rgt.
Corp Wilfred C. Dawson Royal Field Artillery
Sergt T. B. Cave 102nd Canadians
Capt R.L. P. Adams 1/53rd Sikhs
Pte Reginald V. Chandler Seaforth Highlnds
Pte Gilbert Churcher The Queen's Regt.
L'Corp John Clarke East Surrey Regt.
Pte Edward J. Coleman Hampshire Regt.
Pte Charles Comyns 6th Royal Warwicks
Pte Martin O. Ray K. O. Scot. Borders.
Pte George Raymond 13th Royal West Kent
Pte Albert T. Rogers 11th Australians
Pte Fredk. C. Rogers 4th Queen's Regt.
Pte Percival R. Rogers 4th East Surrey
L'Corp John C. Rumsey London Rifle Brigade
Pte Frederick Sands East Surrey Regt.
Corp Frederick C. Scott 7th Queen's Regt.
Pte Leonard Seymour 7th Queen's Regt.
Pte Arthur H. Sharp 6th Queen's Regt.
Corp Francis J. Shearman 7th Queen's Regt.
Corp Robert A. Shephard R. Army Service Cps.
Pte Horace C. Shirley 1st East Surrey
L'Corp John K. Short 6th K. O. Yorks L. Inf.
Pte William A. Skelton Middlesex Regt.
Pte David Slaymaker R. Warwicksh. Rt.
Seam George Slaymaker R. Naval Reserve
Pte Arthur J. Smith East Surrey Regt.
Major William L. StClair DSO R. Horse Artillery
L'Corp Frederick J. Smith 13th East Surrey Regt.
Serg Hubert F. Sparrick Royal Army Service Cps.
Pte Henry W. Smith 2nd Essex Regiment
Pte Ernest Spear 17th Royal Fusiliers
Pte Thos. H. Stanbridge Royal West Kents
Pte A. Kenneth Stepney 1st Queen's
Pte Frederick Stevens 3rd East Surrey Regt.
Pte Frederick J. Stevens 13th Queen's
Pte Hubert H. Stevens 6th Cameron Highds.
Pte Roderick J. Stevens 25th Middlesex Regt
Pte James Stevenson 7th East Surrey Regt.
L'Corp Leonard Stovell 8th Queen's
Serg Eustace Stracey 7th Queen's
L'Corp John W. Stracey 4th Queen's
Pte Thomas Stracey 1/5th Queen's
Rflm Arthur Sutton 12th London Regt.
Rflm Bernard G. Tate King's Royal Rifle Corps
Pte Eric S. Thompson 1st East Surrey Regt.
Serg Rupert A. Thompson 6th Queen's
Pte Edward Tillma Royal Defence Corps
Pte William Tillman 1st Queen's
Pte Bertram S. Townend 12th Manchester's
L'Corp Alfred W. Trehearn 10th R. Fusiliers
Pte Charles H. A. Tucker 5th Resve. East Surrey
Pte Albert V. Turner 6th Queen's
Major Harry W. Tyler R. Army Service Corps
Pte Herbert Tyler 11th West Yorks
Rflm Arthur Waind 16th Queen's Westminster Rifles
2nd Lt Archibald Warner London Rifle Brigade
Pte Daniel Warner 4th Royal Fusiliers
Capt Edward T. Welchman DSO W. Yorks Regt.
Pte Albert E. White R.M.L.I. H.M.S. Indefatigable
A.Mch George Wilgloss Royal Air Force
Rflm John B. Wood Rifle Brigade
Rflm Ernest Wyatt 11th King's Royal Rifle Corps
Rflm Thomas Wyatt 11th King's Royal Rifle Corps
Pte Thomas G. Wyatt East Surrey Regt.
Pte Harry Young The Buffs
Pte Arthur Turner 9th East Surrey Regt.
Sappr Harold E. White Royal Engineers
L'Corp Douglas C. Taylor Artists' Rifles
Corp Frank W. Clark Coldstream Guards
Serg T. J. Ebden 56th Canadian Regt.
2nd Lt E. R. Kelly 3rd Border Regt
Sergt Oliver B. Watkinson R. Garrison Arty.
Pte George L. Savagar R. Inniskilling Fusil.
Corp Edward P. Watkinson . 7th East Surrey
The graves of three men not listed above can be found in the graveyard:
Private B. D. Brown . Machine Gun Corps
A.Seaman . A. Carey . H.M.S. Somme
Rifleman . H. A. Groombridge . Rifle Brigade
Commemorated in church, but not listed above, are Charles Dingwall and George William Taylor.
See also the Wrythe memorial in the graveyard.